主要应用场合:Products are mainly used:用于乙二酸、芒硝、砒唑、AH-盐、过硫酸铵、石膏、硝酸银、磷酸铵、硫酸铵、碳酸钠、硫代硫酸铵、离子交换树脂、氯化钠、蒽、氯酸钠、阿司匹林、甲酸钠、硫酸锰、硼砂、甲基纤维素、偏硼酸钠、甲酸钙、硝酸钠、过硼酸钠、磷酸钠、柠檬酸、聚本乙烯、四硼酸钠、聚苯乙烯醇、大苏打、硫酸铜、钾碱(碳酸钠)、洒石酸、结晶苏打、钾矾、磷酸三钠、碳酸氢钾、硫酸锌、季戊四醇、冰醋酸、氯化钾、五硫化二钾、磷酸钾、硫酸钾。
Apply to adipic acid ,salt take ,pyrazolene ,AH-salt ,ammonium persuphate ,gypsum ,silver nitrate ,ammonium phosphate ,ammonium sulphate ,sodium carbonate ,ammonium thiosulphate ,ion exchange resin ,sodium chloride ,anthracene ,sodium chlorate ,aspirin ,sodium metaborate ,calcium fomiate ,sodium nitrate ,sodium perborate ,sodium phosphate ,citric acid ,sodium sulphate ,polystyrene ,sodium phosphate ,citric acid ,sodium sulphate ,polystyrene ,sodium tetraborate ,polyvinylacohol ,sodium thiosulphate ,copper sulphate ,potash ,tartaric acid ,crystal soda ,potash alum ,trisodium phosphate ,potassium bicarbonate ,zinc sulphate ,pentaerythrite .plastic granules ,glacial acetic acid ,potassium choride ,potassium pensuphate ,potassium phosphate ,potassium sulphate.

卧式螺旋卸料过滤离心机由电机带动转鼓及同心安装的输料螺旋,以一定的差速同向高速旋转,物料由进料管连续引入,均匀分布 到转鼓底段滤网壁上,在离心力作用下,液相物穿过滤网和转鼓壁滤孔排出转鼓,经排液口排出机外。固相物截留在转鼓内形成滤渣,滤渣在离心力的锥面分力和输料螺旋的共同作用下,连续不断地向转鼓大端移动排出转鼓,经卸料槽排出机外。
Suspension enters into the spiral cavity via the feeding pipe, then enters into the drum via the spray nozzle designed at the bottom of the cone end closer to the screw head; under the centrifugal force, the liquid in the slurry is separated away through a screen that’s designed on the rotary wall, while the solid particles are trapped in the drum; meanwhile, the solid particles in the drum, under the action of centrifugal force and the spiral-drum differential speed, move from the small end to the big end of the drum, in which process, the centrifugal force grows rapidly due to the increased swing diameter, and the solid phase that has high moisture content at the initial entry becomes low-moisture contained solid phase at its discharge from the drum, therefore automatic and continuous separation of solid and liquid phases is achieved.
型号及主要技术参数 Types and parameters
序号 NO. |
基本型号 Basic Type |
进料量 Thrpughput (T/H) |
电机功率 Motor power (Kw) |
转鼓转速 Bowl speed (r/min) |
分离因数 G-Force |
外形尺寸 Figure Dimensions (mm) |
重量 Weight (Kg) |
1 | LWL250 | 0.5-3 | 5.5 | 3600 | 1810 | 1100/1400/1000 | 700 |
2 | LWL350 | 1-6 | 11 | 3000 | 1760 | 1300/1500/1100 | 1200 |
3 | LWL450 | 2-10 | 22 | 2500 | 1570 | 1400/1600/1300 | 1600 |
4 | LWL530 | 4-20 | 30 | 2000 | 1180 | 1500/1700/1400 | 2100 |
5 | LWL630 | 8-30 | 37.5 | 1750 | 1080 | 1900/1600/1600 | 2600 |
产品结构特点 Structure and Features
1.Bowl and scroll and other main parts are made steel or titanium
2.Fiter screen with 2.5mm thickness long life
3.Stepless speed regulation for the bowl
4.Adjustable of the differential speed with regulation
5.Simple lubrication
LWL型卧式螺旋卸料过滤离心机 LWL horizontal spiral centrifuge filter
Generally ,a tubular centrifuge we provide has 304 stainless at where it contacts the liquid ,if you require we can also manufacture the centrifuges with other materials ,e.g. 316L or duplex stainless or titanium .we can also provide variable frequency control .